Domestic & Family Violence Awareness Workshops

Domestic & Family Violence Awareness Workshops
Domestic and family violence affects women, men, children and families from all areas of our society. Statistics show an average of one woman dies each week in Australia as a result of domestic violence, and it has broad and significant health consequences. 

Nurses, midwives and other health professionals have been identified by women experiencing abuse as potential sources of support.

The Queensland Nurses and Midwives' Union (QNMU), DV Connect and QSuper are hosting a three-part series of interactive and practical online workshops on domestic and family violence for QNMU members.

It is recommended that you attend all three workshops. 

Workshop 1 - Recognise - Wednesday 2nd March, 3pm – 4.30pm
This workshop will discuss different forms of domestic and family violence and what the behaviours are, including coercive control and how victims/survivors can become trapped by fear, intimidation, manipulation, power and control. Attendees will learn about what domestic and family violence looks like and what the possible indicators are if someone is experiencing it.

• Workshop 2 - Respond - Wednesday 6th April, 3pm – 4.30pm
This workshop will focus on the framework for respectful responses including understanding brain and behavioural changes due to trauma, and trauma informed care.

• Workshop 3 - Refer and prevent - Wednesday 11th May, 3pm – 4.30pm
Workshop 3 will cover referral pathways such as what support services are available, who to contact and when this is appropriate. We’ll also provide information on preventing and creating a safe disclosure workplace, addressing attitudes and myths, barriers to disclosing and leaving, understanding vulnerability and intersectionality (LGBTIQ+, First Nations people, people with disabilities, etc). 

• Workshop 4 - Q&A session with the DVConnect trainer - Wednesday 1st June, 3pm – 4.00pm
The final workshop is an opportunity for members to touch base with the DVConnect trainer, go over particular aspects of the training you would like further information on and ask questions about what was learnt during the 3 other workshops.

At the conclusion of these workshops, you will have developed the ability to recognise when someone is affected by domestic and family violence and how to respond to them and refer them to seek help appropriately. 
To get the most out of the workshops’ presentation and activities, there will be pre-event reading and workshop exercises that you will need to complete prior to each workshop. 
Spots are limited to ensure an interactive environment. Get in quick to secure your spot!

If you have any questions about the workshops or need assistance with registering, please contact the events team on [email protected]

This event is delivered by DV Connect

Proudly supported by

If you are unable to attend the above workshop dates, we will be hosting another round later in the year with the first workshop kicking off in August.
1/06/2022 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Online registration not available.

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This event is for QNMU members only. 

Please click here to learn about QNMU membership. QNMU members, please sign in to register for this event. 

This event is available for QNMU members and non-members.

If you are not a QNMU member, please create a guest account to register for this event.

QNMU members, please sign in to register for this event.