Financial health checker

The QNMU is committed to advancing the professional interests of our members. In addition, to working closely with members to secure better pay and conditions in workplaces around the state, we have worked hard to protect and enhance superannuation. However, it's important that you take independent action to protect your financial wellbeing.


It's important for all nurses and midwives to take an active interest in their financial health and start thinking about how much you're putting away for your retirement. While superannuation is vital for all Australians, statistics show: 

  • women have significantly less money saved for their retirement
  • the average superannuation payout for women is a third of the payout for men, and
  • women working full-time today earn 16 per cent less than men.

Source: The Australian Human Rights Commission 

It’s time to take an active interest in your super! This includes knowing your super balance, the details of your insurance cover and the investment options you have chosen. 

We encourage members to visit your super fund’s website by clicking on the images below and check on your financial health. 





Personal finance 

Be money smart

  Moneysmart is an initiative of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. It aims to help Australians take control of their money and build a better life with free tools, tips and guidance. Visit the site for free advice and tools on how to:
  • manage your money
  • reduce your debt
  • plan for your future, and
  • grow your health.

Great Southern Bank

  Great Southern Bank is one of Australia’s largest customer-owned banks and has a number of resources available to help manage money better, including:




Health Insurance

Union Health

Union Health is encouraging members to ask if they are paying more tax than they need to and to take steps to avoid the Medicare Levy Surcharge.