What advice would you give your younger self?

Queensland Youth Week was in April, and we put the question out on social media: “What piece of advice would you give your younger self when starting your career in nursing/midwifery?” 

The answers were fantastic – from the profound to the practical, they delivered. We’ve compiled some of our favourites here. 

 Make time for your wellness - or you’ll have to take time for your illness! - physical, mental and emotional self-care is THE most important thing…. 

Learn to speak up with respect, confidence and back it up with knowledge. No one can question your role as a Nurse because you worked hard and studied the Art and Science of Nursing. And don't forget to always DOCUMENT! 

Nursing is not just hospital ward-based shift work - it can be in community, schools, remote communities, mines, defence force, travelling, prisons, councils etc - it is so diverse so don’t get stuck in one role when there is a big world out there to explore! 

You can travel anywhere with nursing. There’s so much to see and do in our country. Work and travel! Go to places you wouldn’t usually go as they might surprise you. Always be keen to learn new things. Trust your gut and don’t be afraid to question something and/or escalate 

Honestly it would have been to get involved with the qnmu from the outset. Instead of getting burnt out fustrated and leaving nursing to pursue other avenues, i would have had the tools and support much earlier in my career to affect the change i so wanted to. 

Ask every question. Speak out when you are struggling. Confide in the clinical facilitator. Take care of yourself. 

Enjoy your career. 

Get all the education that you want. 

Choose the career that you like. Not just not but hopefully in the next 10 years. 

Make you you have a work and life balance. 

Dark chocolate and coke zero will be your bestie. 

Drink more water.